Tuesday, November 21, 2017


Once again, Dawson Creek, a community of 12,000 people opened their hearts and wallets and gave like a City of 120,000 ! For three days, November 17th, November 18th and November 19th, our volunteers braved frigid temperatures and heavy snow to collect a record number of donations, making it our largest year yet!

As always, the success of these events depend upon our sponsors, volunteers and Corporate Donations. To that end, I want to sincerely thank United Way, Dawson Creek Co-Op, Arc Resources, Glacier Glass, Apex Distribution, Northern Hotshot, Tiger Stationers, Cat Rentals, Salvation Army, Bethel Network Ministries, The Dawson Creek Fire Dept, Dawson Creek RCMP and BC Ambulance Services (Our Team 911) and of course the staff of Rosenau Transport Ltd. If I missed anyone, chalk it up to old age and frostbite and accept my apologies.

There are many others to thank, and we don't know your names. We only know you by the smiles on your faces, the warmth of your hearts and the strength of your character. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts and as always,

  We will let the photos speak for the rest..

Friday, November 10, 2017


Please see the calendars below for a preliminary schedule of events . Find one near you !

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

2017 Kicks Off !

18 Wheels Of Christmas is entering it's 15th Year of Service ! It is a bittersweet anniversary. While we are excited that we have been able to be part of this worthwhile cause , we are also saddened by the fact that it is still so sorely needed across our country.

We will, as we have in years past, step up to meet the challenge and the need. Stay tuned and we will provide you shortly with a list of dates in communities near you. This can't happen without you and the many generous people who donate to our local Food Banks.

The Magic Begins With You !