You know all those promises you make ......Yes honey, I am going to finish the basement....Yes honey, I will clean up my tools....Yes Mom, I will clean my room...... Yes organizers and executives of The Eighteen Wheels Of Christmas...I will keep up the Blog ! It is completely unnecessary and unprofessional of you to threaten me with that whole Santa Claus and the naughty list..(Just in case, let him know I am trying to catch up)
So sorry, we have been somewhat lax on updating you all on the blog......but NO longer......we shall endeavor to set the matter straight......we shall move forward.....we shall forge ahead.....we shall...........ummm well you get the idea. Stay Tuned, all of our wonderful 18 Wheels Supporters. There is much news to come and many terrific anouncements......and this time, we shall keep you posted.....
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